Anti-Vaccine Propaganda About Mass Graves at Irish Orphanages
There is no connection between vaccine trials and mass graves at Irish orphanages.
When we are usually talking about anti-vaccine influencers hitting a new low, it’s usually because they are saying something about the holocaust…
Or maybe they are inciting violence or exploiting kids who have died, making you think it was caused by a vaccine injury.
Anti-Vaccine Propaganda About Mass Graves at Irish Orphanages
How did they do it this time?
While Paul Marik/A Midwestern Doctor’s post about SIDS is full of propaganda and misinformation, let’s look at his claim that mass graves in Irish orphanages are from DPT vaccine test subjects.
Where did he get that idea?
Tragically, mass graves have been found at a former Catholic care home in Ireland.
And as part of the investigation into these graves, it was uncovered that some children were made to participate in vaccine trials without the consent of their birth parents or guardians.
So how does Paul Marik/A Midwestern Doctor connect the mass graves to DPT vaccine tests?
By pretending there is a connection to misinform his readers!
To be sure, there were mass graves and there were inappropriate vaccine trials, but there is also a lot of evidence that they aren’t connected, especially not with DPT vaccines.
“It found that the dead had been mostly buried in the 1950s, when the facility was one of more than a dozen in Ireland offering shelter to orphans, unmarried mothers and their children. The Tuam home closed in 1961.”
Mass grave of babies and children found at Tuam care home in Ireland
For one thing, none of the vaccine trials were done at the Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, County Galway where the mass graves were found.
And the vaccine trials from the time that the children died only included the single diphtheria antigen, not the combination DPT shot.
“Mother and baby homes were usually overcrowded with poor infection controls and the commission found many Tuam deaths were due to diseases like TB, flu, gastroenteritis, meningitis and measles.”
Tuam babies: Excavation at mass grave could begin this year
Mostly though, know that these children didn’t die from vaccine injuries.
They died from abuse, neglect and vaccine-preventable diseases.
With diphtheria being a big killer at this time.
“Clinical research conducted in these institutions was, according to Henry Parish, ‘the outcome of pressing invitations to control diphtheria outbreaks’, and were overseen by medical offers on behalf of the Ministry of Health, who it was stated ‘had no facilities to undertake immunization work themselves.”
Strangling Angel: Diphtheria and Childhood Immunization in Ireland
There is no doubt that their deaths are tragic and should never have happened.
But don’t let anti-vaccine influencers exploit their deaths and create another tragedy by allowing them to scare you away from vaccinating and protecting your kids.
The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths.
Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes and Certain Related Matters.
Executive summary of the Final Report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes.
Mass grave of babies and children found at Tuam care home in Ireland.
Tuam babies: Excavation at mass grave could begin this year.
Observations On the Use of Alum-Toxoid As an Immunising Agent Against Diphtheria. J.C Saunders M.B., D.P.H. N.U.I. (MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH, CORK). The Lancet. Volume 220, Issue 5698, 12 November 1932, Pages 1047-1050
Strangling Angel: Diphtheria and Childhood Immunization in Michael Dwyer
There is truly no low for Anti-vaxers!